Will AI replace humans?

Nikita Borisenko
CEO of Loqos AI
October 18, 2023
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has risen in popularity and has caused a wave of apprehension among people. Many fear that AI bots might eventually replace humans, leading to job loss. According to a Microsoft study, 49% of respondents believe that AI has the potential to take away their jobs. While such concerns are not unfounded, it's worth noting that humanity's fear of progress is as old as innovation itself. In this article, I'll share my thoughts on the evolving role of AI in the workplace and try to dispel some common misconceptions.

Adaptability as the Key to Embracing AI

The fear surrounding AI often comes from a lack of understanding. It's crucial to remember that AI is a tool, not a threat. The key to successfully navigating this ever-evolving sea is adaptability. The future is not about humans vs machines; it's about humans working with the help of AI to unlock the possibilities humanity's never experienced before.

Why AI is helpful

AI has already transformed work in many ways. And the ones to benefit from it are the ones to adapt the new technologies to their current workflow. AI creates documents, generates text, communicates with clients, and optimises digital advertising. However, remember that AI is a set of tools designed to streamline and enhance productivity, excelling in routine and repetitive tasks and can't replace human creativity and ingenuity.

AI vs Human Creativity

When it comes to creating content, AI can be helpful in various ways such as checking for errors, diversifying content, and improving its quality. However, AI falls short of generating content from scratch as it lacks the human touch. Great content is the result of human creativity, personal experiences, tone, and examples, which cannot be replicated by a robot. Humans play a crucial role in shaping the language model by providing it with data and context. The creative and strategic aspects of content creation remain in human hands. Therefore, no matter how advanced AI becomes, it cannot replicate the unique experiences and insights that only a human can bring to the table.

Synergy, not Replacement

With the rise of AI, routine tasks such as generating text and correcting errors will be taken over by machines. This shift will have a significant impact on how we communicate. We can expect to see a greater emphasis on natural language-based communication, even if it's not perfect. In fact, it could become a desirable and fashionable way of interacting. With AI handling mundane tasks, humans can focus on what's truly important - creating captivating stories, real-life examples, personal experiences, and expert knowledge.

In this perspective, AI and humans are not competitors but partners in progress. As AI takes over repetitive tasks, humans will have more time to devote to creative and strategic endeavours. In the information age, this is the natural progression. Routine trivialities will be automated, liberating human potential for higher-level thinking, innovation, and problem-solving.

In conclusion, the relationship between AI bots and human agents is not one of replacement but symbiosis. AI is a tool that enhances human capabilities, enabling us to achieve more with less effort in routine tasks. As we adapt to this evolving landscape, our focus should shift from fear to collaboration, recognising the unique strengths that both humans and AI bring to the table. The future is about harnessing the power of AI to augment our capabilities and propel us towards a more creative, innovative, and productive future. Embracing AI is not about losing jobs; it's about gaining new opportunities for growth and advancement.