Case Study: Chatbot for newcomers in Cyprus

September 29, 2023
In the last years, Cyprus has witnessed a significant influx of relocated professionals, nomads, startupers and investors choosing to work, live and innovate on the island. A lot of them are educated professionals striving to start new businesses in Cyprus or work for local IT companies.

In cooperation with Techisland association, we created the bot designed to help those who have relocated to Cyprus settle in with ease.

Why bot is needed

Relocating to a new country is an exciting yet daunting journey, and the challenges faced by relocatees can often lead to significant anxiety. The maze of legalities, tax regulations, and documentation requirements can quickly become overwhelming. Navigating unfamiliar bureaucratic processes, securing the right permits, and understanding local laws can be formidable tasks. Moreover, issues with transportation, housing, and healthcare add layers of complexity. The constant juggling act of adapting to a foreign environment while ensuring compliance with various regulations can weigh heavily on the minds of relocatees. This multifaceted web of challenges underscores the critical need for comprehensive support and resources to ease the transition and alleviate the anxiety that often accompanies such life-altering moves.

How CY Guide bot works

The bot is designed to assist with various aspects of relocation, including business, rent, documents, kids, healthcare, banking, utilities, taxes and more. Users can choose suggested options or write questions.
used CY Guide bot the first week
included to 1.0 version of the bot
CY Guide is a go-to resource for understanding how various services in Cyprus function, whether it's pharmacies, schools, or finding your way to the migration department. Need to locate a specific doctor? CY Guide has got you covered.

What's even more exciting is that the bot continuously evolves through user interactions. Thanks to machine learning algorithms, it becomes smarter and more efficient with each message it processes.

CY Guide has recently been launched in its 1.0 version, and we have big plans ahead! We'll be expanding its capabilities to include topics like shopping, sports and entertainment, travel, pets, and much more.
Tetyana Romanyukha
Head of Operations at Techisland
At TechIsland, as a non-profit IT association, we aim to assist professionals relocating to Cyprus in quickly adapting to their new life here. The CY Guide bot serves as a valuable tool for newcomers, providing key insights into taxation, immigration, banking, and overall life on the island.
We appreciate the work of the Loqos AI team on this project and look forward to our ongoing partnership to continually enhance the bot's functionalities.

Presentation of the bot

At the TechIsland Summit, which was part of the Reflect Festival, the CEO of CYTA and a board member of Techisland, Andreas Neocleous, presented the CY Guide Bot.

Mr. Neocleous said, "Tech Island is launching today a Cyprus Guide Chatbot powered by Loqos AI. This chatbot serves as a valuable tool for those who are either planning to relocate or have recently moved to Cyprus. It provides comprehensive information about taxation, immigration, and various aspects of life in Cyprus, aiming to make everyone's transition as smooth as possible."
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